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Gansevoort Peninsula Athletic Field Goals Survey

The Park is seeking feedback on the types of goals users are interested in at Gansevoort Peninsula. Our intent is to identify which goals will be able to serve the widest array of users and user groups, while not cluttering or overwhelming the usable field space.

Please take a moment to fill out the below questionnaire so we may better plan for goals that can be shared among filed users at Gansevoort Peninsula. For reference, the following goals are already provided by the Trust at Gansevoort Peninsula, although we may change quantities and sizes based on the feedback we receive:

  • Two (2) 8’H x 24’L x 3’D
  • Eight (8) 4’H x6’L

No equipment may be stored in the Park without pre-authorization and approval by the Trust. All approved equipment must have a Trust-created label affixed to it. Any unapproved equipment left on the fields may be removed and discarded without notice.


Please fill out the survey with what goals would work best for your organization. Submitting the survey does not guarantee we will be able to provide your request.

    1. Please list the number of goals you would like of each size (regardless of the current configuration):

    8’H x 24’L x 3’D:

    6.5’H x 18.5’L x 2’D:

    4’H x 6’L


    Please provide sizes and quantities in your description.

    If we are unable to provide your requested configuration, do you have flexibility to use alternatives?

    If so, please describe what alternatives you are able to use:

    Are you interested in potentially donating goals for Gansevoort Peninsula?

    The availability of donations will not affect size choices, and any donated goals will need to be available to all users. If yes, please list sizes and quantities.

    Your e-mail address: