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5 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss the HRPK Games on June 22

The Fifth Annual Hudson River Park Games invite you to join friends, neighborhood groups and sponsored teams as you compete in a one-of-a-kind Pentathlon, featuring five heats: dodgeball, volleyball, steal the bacon, flag football and basketball relay.

In celebration of the fifth year of the Games and the Pentathlon’s five events, here are five reasons why it’s time to Get in the Games!

1. The Games are just like your favorite summer camp field day, all grown up.

The purple team at HRPK Games shouts support to their teammates

We picked our Pentathlon sports for their fun factor. In one day, practice your dodgeball stealth, nail your volleyball serve, steal some bacon, “deflag” an opponent” and shoot a perfect layup. The competition gets fierce—but all skill levels have a blast. It’s like color war… with an After-Party.

2. It’s a great way to foster community and expand your network—or bond with your BFFs.

The orange team at the HRPK Games wish each other good luck

Nothing builds friendships like working toward a common goal—like totally dominating the dodgeball court in awesome matching T-shirts. With packages for individuals, pairs and full teams, The Games offer a fun opportunity to meet like-minded community-members as you compete alongside friends old and new.

3. Stealing the Bacon is actually encouraged.

A player at HRPK Games tries to snatch the tennis ball from their competition

In the game Steal the Bacon, you score points by successfully retrieving the “bacon” from your opponent and racing back to your team’s sideline without being tagged, or by tagging the opponent who stole your bacon before they make it back to their team sideline. Trust us—it’s very, very fun.

4. Pre-Party…After-Party—we’re not skimping on the celebration.

All the players at HRPK Games enjoy the after party and congratulate everyone on a wonderful day

The Games kick off with a Pre-Party to fire up your competitive spirit! Plus, sign up for a VIP package and you score tickets to the After-Party, which promises drinks, snacks and lots of good cheer.

5. Your ticket supports all the recreational opportunities and programming HRPK offers the public.

A group of musicians entertain a group of young kids during Summer of Fun in Hudson River Park

Do you run along HRPK’s esplanade? Bike our greenway? Play in our tennis, basketball and volleyball courts? Kayak on the Hudson River? Enjoy our hundreds of free Summer of Fun events? Hudson River Park provides more diverse options for active recreation on land and water than any park in the city, but we’re not a New York City park; programming, maintenance and operations rely on private revenue.

The Games are your opportunity to support the Park that provides much needed green, open space—and have a blast while doing it.

We can’t wait to kick off the best HRPK Games yet—and we’d love to have you on one of our teams! Space is filling up, so sign up today.

Claws up for Crab Week

Crab Week is a weeklong crustacean celebration from July 14-20.

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