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In June 1998, the New York State legislature passed the Hudson River Park Act. Signed by Governor George E. Pataki in September 1998, this milestone legislation formally designated the project area as a park and established the Hudson River Park Trust to continue the planning, construction, management, and operation of the park. In approving the Act, the State legislature found that:

  • Planning and development of the Hudson River Park as a public resource was a matter of State concern and in the interest of the people of the State.  Further, the Park will enhance the ability of New Yorkers to enjoy the Hudson River, one of the great natural and public resources of the State.
  • The marine environment of the Park is known to provide critical habitat for striped bass and other aquatic species. It is in the public interest to protect and conserve this habitat.
  • Quality of life and economic benefits can be derived from creating the Park.
  • The Park will encourage, promote, and expand public access to the river, promote water-based recreation, and enhance the natural, cultural and historic aspects of the Hudson River.
  • It is in the public interest to encourage park uses and allow limited commercial uses in the Park.

Hudson River Park Act (full text)

2005 Amendment for Pier 57

2008 Amendment to Hudson River Park Act (Chapter 596 of the Law of 2008)

2013 Amendment to Hudson River Park Act (Chapter 517 of the Laws of 2013)

2018 Amendments to Hudson River Park Act (Hudson Tunnel and Whitney’s Days End)

2020 Amendment on Pier 76

Claws up for Crab Week

Crab Week is a weeklong crustacean celebration from July 14-20.

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