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Hermit Crab

Pagurus longicarpus

A small hermit crab sitting on the palm of a hand looking upMax Size: ~2.5 cm (< 1 inch)
Habitat: Rocky intertidal zones, open shorelines, mud flats
Diet: Omnivorous scavengers. Forages on detritus (organic material left behind by deceased organisms) including fish, crustaceans, mollusks and algae




Fun Facts:

  • Hermit crabs are named such because they use other animals’ shells as protection; carrying their “home” on their back to protect their soft abdomen
  • Hermit crabs aren’t really hermits – they often interact peacefully with other crabs in order to pull off complex shell exchanges
  • Long-clawed hermit crabs found in Hudson River Estuary usually sport shells form Mud Dog Whelks and Oyster drills
  • P. longicarpus’ dominant claw is long and thin compared to other hermit crab species, hence the name longicarpus = “long hand”