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Donald Wyman and Prairifire Crabapple Trees

Malus sp

Come spring, when in full flower, crabapples put on a beautiful display that is rarely matched by other trees. The Park boasts some of these displays, with crabapple groupings at Pier 64, Pier 40 and Tribeca. At Pier 64 you will find the allée of Donald Wyman crabapples putting on a show of white flowers. In contrast, at Pier 40, Prairifire crabapples present a full display of red-to-purple flowers as you enter the Pier.

Origin: Various although it is believed that all apple trees originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan
Lifespan: 40 – 60 years
Height: 15 – 25 feet

What makes crabapples unique:

  • A Malus tree with fruit smaller than two inches diameter is considered a “crab,” hence the name crabapple.
  • The fruit is edible; however, it is bitter tasting and mostly used to produce cider.
  • There are approximately 700 different types of crabapple trees. This is mainly due to their ability to cross fertilize and hybridize.
  • Crabapples require little maintenance once established and can handle a variety of environmental conditions. If planted in full sun, flower and fruit production will be maximized.

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