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Become an Environmental Steward

The Environmental Stewardship Committee is one of several communities cultivated by the Hudson River Park Friends’ Development Committee, a group of influential and energetic community members whose work is critical to the success of HRPK Friends’ fundraising strategy.

The committee aims to build a community of private donors whose passion is the stewardship of HRPK green and blue spaces. This community will increase private contributions, raise awareness around Hudson River Park as an important ecosystem, promote environmental initiatives within the Park and surrounding communities, and fund engaging environmental, sustainability, and estuary research programming for the broader Hudson River Park community.

To join us, sign up to support the Park as a Steward member at the $2,500 level and take our Environmental Stewardship Sustainability Pledge.

Environmental Stewardship Sustainability Pledge

As a Hudson River Park Friends Environmental Stewardship community member, I pledge to take one or more of the following actions:

  • Composting in my neighborhood – I understand the Park’s composting guidelines and will support the Park’s Community Compost Program by composting my household’s organic materials and raising awareness about the program.
  • Volunteering and/or recruiting for Green Team or Blue Team events – The Park’s green and blue spaces are kept clean and maintained in part thanks to individuals and corporate group volunteers.
  • Reducing waste by choosing the Park Over Plastic – I commit to reducing my waste and plastic footprint in the Park, by bringing reusable bottles, food storage and utensils into the Park.

As an Environmental Steward, I recognize that no action is too small to help ensure that the Hudson River Park remains a healthy, vibrant green and blue oasis.

If you’re interested in supporting the Park at another level, make a donation here.