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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Joe Max run for Team HRPK in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. Read on to learn more about Joe Max and why he’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

Support Joe Max

Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
HRPK has been a staple for my NYC life! I got engaged on Pier 45, do daily strolls with my dog Charlie up and down the West Side Highway and have clocked hundreds of miles up and down the Park.

My favorite part of the Park to run through:
Pier 45 will always have a special place in my heart 🙂 Plus great area to hang with friends!

What running means to me:

I have been running since after college. It is a time for me to get outside, see the city, meditate and catch up with friends.

Hudson River Park is a  special place for NYC athletes because…
I think it is the best running place in the world! The energy from all the other runners makes you want to keep going a little further and the views are unbeatable.
If I could say one thing to Hudson River Park supporters, it would be…
Thank you for making my life in NYC so much better!
My quirky running habit is…
I shamefully do not listen to any music while running…just me and the sound of pavement.
Three words that describe my running are…
Consistent, Carefree, Conscious