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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Brian run for Team HRPK in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. Read on to learn more about Brian and why he’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
I’m racing to raise awareness of and to raise money to support the most underappreciated public good in Manhattan. NYC parks are so frequently used and so cherished by most New Yorkers but very few are aware that a significant portion of park budgets come from private donations. These donations are what allow the hard-working park employees to keep the parks open and accessible for all.

What running means to me:
Running consistently is newer for me, like many I started taking it more seriously during COVID. For me, running is meditation in motion. It’s my time to be alone and to move my body, I’m a big believer that ‘mood follows action’. I always feel better after a run.

Hudson River Park is a  special place for NYC athletes because…
It’s one of the few places in NYC where you can escape the chaos of the streets of New York. Having to worry about only a few pedestrian crossings, you can get into a running flow and just focus on the run.

Three words that describe my running are…
Novice, committed and curious.