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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Dominique run for Team HRPK in the 2024 United Airlines NYC Half. Read on to learn more about Dominique and why she’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

Support Dominique

Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
I am racing for Team HRPK because I feel a responsibility to give back to the park that gives me a peaceful place to run every day.

My favorite part of the Park to run through:
I love to veer off of the main Hudson River Park path and run along the piers. Each pier is different, offering unique horticultural experiences and stunning views of the city and the Hudson.
What running means to me:

I have been running since 2013 and have been racing since 2020. Through running I learn that I can do hard things, I can set goals and exceed them, and I can find strength and comfort through moving my body. Running allows me to spend extended time outside in the city I love most.

Hudson River Park is a  special place for NYC athletes because…
I run in Hudson River Park almost daily, yet I always find variety in the paths I take and the people I encounter. It’s such a lively space — the same running route never gets boring.

If I could say one thing to Hudson River Park supporters, it would be…
Hudson River Park is a true asset to NYC and it needs our support to be sustained. If you love the Park, please consider contributing to ensure its future success.

My quirky running habit is…
I believe it’s good luck to take a miserable selfie when running in a downpour.

Three words that describe my running are…
Steady, smiley, persistent.