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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Josh run for Team HRPK in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. Read on to learn more about Josh and why he’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

Support Josh

Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
To support a park that has meant so much to my family since moving to the West Side — kids baseball, softball, and soccer; water playgrounds on hot days; family picnics; dog park; and of course where I do most of my running.

Hudson River Park is a  special place for NYC athletes because…
The Park offers such a wide variety of spaces for athletes of all ages and experiences to participate, made even better with beautiful river views.

If I could say one thing to Hudson River Park supporters, it would be…
The park is such a unique place in New York City, so few places offer something for everyone – thank you for making the park so special.

My quirky running habit is…
I’ve never been super-stitious, just a little-stitious. Haven’t found lucky socks or odd pregame meals as a runner the way I might have playing baseball and basketball as a kid.