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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Karley run for Team HRPK in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. Read on to learn more about Karley and why she’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

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Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
Hudson River Park is one of my favorite places in NYC. Whether it be for a run, picnic, a walk with family, I love the time spent by the waterfront and in nature. The transformation of the Hudson River waterfront created a free and accessible space for all New Yorkers. Furthermore, as a psychologist interested in promoting mental wellness among people of all identities and socioeconomic backgrounds, green spaces like HRPK are critical urban interventions that have beneficial health effects for all. The Park hosts numerous events like flow yoga, improv, and STEM demonstrations, providing opportunities for people to connect and learn. Altogether, I am excited to be fundraising for a team that promotes mental health and wellbeing through a publicly accessible green space.

My favorite part of the Park to run through:
My favorite part of the park to run through is Greenwich Village Upland. When I am not running, you are most likely to find me at this part of the park reading under a tree.

What running means to me:
I have been running since age 7! My family loves to run and I have early memories of running/biking alongside my dad when he was training for a marathon. Running has been my primary way of achieving a sense of self-care and balance throughout stressful times in life. Nothing helps me decompress after a long day as going for a run and feeling in tune with the world around me. This sport has also allowed me to connect with my siblings. My brother, sister, and I are all running the NYC marathon this year and it has been so fun checking-in with them about training.

My quirky running habit is…
I would guess it is probably not a quirky habit, but I like to have a minimal of a mile walk after my scheduled training run. After finishing my run, I like to turn off my music or audio book and allow myself to be mindful in my space. As I am often running in a green space, it also allows me to feel connected with nature and notice the world around me.