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Get to know Team HRPK!

We’re thrilled to have Lindsay run for Team HRPK in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon. Read on to learn more about Lindsay and why she’s choosing to fundrace for Hudson River Park.

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Why I’m racing for Team HRPK:
I’m excited to run my first marathon for Team HRPK to give back to the amenities that HRPK provides not only to myself, but also to millions of others in the city. It’s easy to take the green/recreational spaces for granted here in day to day life, so I’m looking forward to fundraising for HRPK to bring some much deserved recognition to all of the hard work and planning that goes on behind the scenes.

My favorite part of the Park to run through:
I love weaving my runs in and out of the piers along the West Village & Tribeca stretch — the skyline and sunset views are incredible!!

What running means to me:
I used to not enjoy running at all, but now that I’ve gotten back into it in the past year and a half I have come to really value the time spent moving my body, taking time just for myself, and clearing my head! I actually look forward to the time of the day where I go out and get my miles in and have a renewed appreciation for my health that allows me to exercise daily.

Hudson River Park is a  special place for NYC athletes because…
I’m so thankful of HRPK for being a safe, clean, and accessible space that enables me to live a healthy and active lifestyle!

My quirky running habit is…
The running playlist is absolutely key — I need my pump-up music to keep me going.